Thursday, April 1, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Fuck cars,
Fuck poles,
Fuck parking lots.

Fuck dings, 
Fuck dents,
Fuck parking, a lot.

Fuck buttons,
Fuck thread,
Fuck holes in my shoe.

Fuck Sting,
Fuck The Police,
Fuck "Synchronicity II".

Yeah, my car turned too slowly,
And my clothes are all wearing,
And my deskmate has headphones
That he never thinks of wearing.

But on a day like this
When I can't catch a break,
At least I can end it 
With a coffee milkshake.


  1. To any sensitive readers, sorry about the language. I'll try to be more decorous tomorrow.

  2. and they're like, it's better than yours.

  3. double "wearing," and 'parking lots... parking, a lot' are simply brilliant.

    the police stanza was a bit out of nowhere. but fuck the police.
