Friday, April 30, 2010

At the Seams

Today, I feel like
I'm bursting.
I don't know with what.

It might be joy,
but that is unlikely.

I don't think it's laughter,
my sense of humor
has been on vacation of late.

It could be excitement,
after all
I'm throwing a big event
on Monday.

It's probably with food,
I gorged myself all month.

But I can't be sure.

Bursting with...
The choices sound so


But doesn't it really mean
that I'm being torn

1 comment:

  1. how did i miss this one?

    taylor, i feel like this poem has been my life for the past year or so. the voice behind these words are much more forthcoming than the words themselves. so i think you should change "it's probably with food" to "it could be the food." "probably" sounds too definite, even with the line "But I can't be sure" following it.

    i especially love the voice in this stanza:

    It could be excitement,
    after all
    I'm throwing a big event
    on Monday.
