Wednesday, April 28, 2010


In a world of closing doors and opening
Windows, one can safely assume the next
Vista will be different than the last,
But no less full of worms and viruses.

A poet once said, “Things fall apart.”
An entrepreneur says, you will pay
For this thing, which will fall apart
And then you will pay again.

How can we build a system that plays
By rules we can’t imagine? Cheating
Death should be the motto of the machine,
And yet, the rough beast urges Us to hack.


  1. wow--complex thoughts packed into this one--again, great thinking here throughout the poem.

    I know it screws with the form, but for some reason Im not into the "A passive voice says..." I just want you to start that with Things fall apart. And the follow-up is brilliant: a kind of nod to how poetry & the world has changed since Old Man Y wrote that.

  2. I'm not sure I grasp the last stanza, but I love where the first two are going (agree with Eric on passive voice, especially as Things Fall Apart isn't in passive voice). I thought those two stanzas were pretty tightly written, though I wonder if capitalizing the first letter of every line might emphasize the ambiguity of Windows and Vista a bit more.

    Not keen on the double enjambment on 'apart,' but otherwise i thought the linebreaks were spot on.
