Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In Case of Emergency

there is
(high voltage at track level) so
(for instructions)
from above
for steel on steel
for a song, a screech
of faith, a show of trust
or sparks hissing at track level
Remain on Train 
(do not open side doors) do not strain
to see beyond or back, only
sidelong like a crab walking
Move to another car 
(if your immediate safety is threatened)
a wheezing, midnight Taurus
an emerald Beetle
any other glistening city escape
move away
move to some other wheeled wagon
for transporting people, burdens
(as instructed)
wary of the sparks, the

[courtesy of the CTA]


  1. Not entirely sure the difference between parentheses and ital lines... the beginning especially has me a bit confused. i enjoyed some of the disparity of the lines mixed with lines that flow seamlessly into each other, but i wasn't entirely sure what the mixture was leading me towards.

    interesting experiment, which i'm all for.

  2. I read them as two different sources--I guessed one of those rinky-dinky signs that is on the wall (which, I just saw one the other day that said PLEASE [a circle with a line through a boombox & food]. And someone had covered up the circle/line and in the same font wrote PRAY. thought it was pretty cool.

    and the other source I guessed was the overhead speaker.

    but i do like how it mimics the kind of sensory overload of a CTA ride. sheesh.

    really cool, ian.

    there's an extremely dark undertone to this and I have no idea what it is. Right now it seems like the speaker is super paranoid that the train is gonna crash, but I think there's more to it...illuminate.

