Friday, April 30, 2010


Enough of this
delayed gratification
nonsense i want payoff
no more dutifully
placing pennies
writing thank you notes
waiting for drugs
to kick in
reading long things
brussel sprouts
second drafts
second dates
if the first wasn’t spectacular
economy shipping
winning people over
second chances
ok no more third chances
career planning
payment plans
weekend plans
plans beyond tomorrow
fellowship submissions
episodes of True Blood
movies without Diane Keaton
or Barbra
no more research
no more planting seeds
no more planting
i will just order delivery
no more fucking credits
in the karma bank
no more poem-a-day
i am tired.

1 comment:

  1. poem-a-day for you began with a critical look at jewish politics, and ended with the eye inside oneself and the jewish word for 'that would be enough.' this itself is an extremely interesting note to me.

    at first i thought spoken word, but then i realized that i liked the amorphous character of the lines and their relation to one another. in editing, this would be my suggestion of what to play up a bit.

    taking the poem a bit biographically, i want to note the incredible writing you've had over the last month, a month where we posted about 160 poems. even less than half of the quantity and quality of all of this would have been sufficient.
