Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Mrs Carter,
he did not care

he danced and then
he did not care to dance anymore

he observed:
Mrs Carter dancing

O Master of Steps who has danced so many nights that every coming night is only a variation of the steps you have left the shadows of on the dalmatian floor we stand along the edges of we still we wait we observe

do you care
to dance anymore

do you know how she
follows have you danced her steps
as well

O Mrs Carter,
he did not care to dance anymore

he observed to


  1. I do so desperately hope this is about Beyonce.

  2. Two thoughts.

    The first thought is the same as Dinah's (that was my initial reaction).

    The second thought is that something about the third line of the third stanza isn't sitting well with me. I'm not sure what though. Maybe I need to come back to it later. (That said, the third stanza is my favorite.)

  3. Ha – definitely did not think of the Beyonce allusion... this was just an exercise after taking a particularly affecting line from a recent spam email ("he did not care to dance anymore. Mrs. Carter, he observed to") and trying to build more on it. But now I see it's just the fragments left behind from a Sasha Fierce choreography session...
