Thursday, April 5, 2012


We are taught that which we change
for the better through labor
is ours.

What of those things
we change by accident?

I can be made to buy
that which I break
but not to mend it.

No one's taught me how.

I own many things
and have built one or two
I'd trade it all
to fix things with you

1 comment:

  1. This is fucking great.

    Tiny note. I don't love the pacing of the first line, it seems to be a bit too long for the rest of the poem. I had to read it twice b/c I sort of misplaced my toughest as follows "we are taught that (beat) which we change" and "we are taught (beat) that which we change". I don't know if that is intended (or if that adds something). Altogether though, I really really loved this.
