Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Double Down

Bacon, cheese, 
spicy mayonaise,
served between two fried 
breasts of chicken.

Using meat 
instead of bread.
A sitcom gag 
brought to life.

When it debuted,
in "special markets,"
people thought it was a joke.
In my heart of hearts,
I still do.

Or perhaps, my heart  
just wants it to be;
seeing it's mere existence 
as a threat to my health.

"Don't worry," 
the menu coos,
"it's most available fried,
but can be grilled too."


  1. didn't like the penultimate stanza, but liked the semi-disjointedness of the rest.

    have you had it yet? man, i'm jonesing for one...

  2. YESSS! (Not to Tim's comment, but the chickeny burger itself).
